Worst-ever experience!

Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Worst-ever experience!
Last week we tried to have some fun with another couple. The guy is a friend of my wifes colleague. He met my wife in a party and exchanged numbers. They talked for awhile and some point he told Sanjana (my wife) he likes her very much. She told him about me and our life style. she told him that we are open to the idea of exploring and heaving fun. She askes him about his wife. He told her that his wife is also open minded. Few days latet she told my wife that his wife is ready to explore, but little did we know, our adventure would take an uncomfortable turn. The other guy, let's call him Atiq , seemed overly eager about the wife swap idea, while his wife, lets call her Sumi, appeared hesitant and uneasy.
We went to a hotel booked a room. But from the begining Atiqs enthusiasm bordered on aggression, and Sumi's discomfort was palpable. Despite our attempts to make her feel comfortable, she seemed hesitant, almost as if she had been forced into the arrangement.
As the night progressed, tensions simmered beneath the surface, and it soon became evident that Atiq's advances towards my wife were unwelcome. Oblivious to the discomfort he was causing, he persisted, crossing boundaries with each unwanted advance as her wife didn’t like it at all.
My wife and I exchanged concerned glances, unsure of how to diffuse the situation without causing further conflict. We tried to subtly steer the conversation away from uncomfortable territory, but Atiqs persistence was relentless.
In the midst of the awkwardness, Sumi looked on with a mixture of embarrassment and resignation, seemingly resigned to her fate. It was a stark reminder of the importance of consent and respect in any interaction, especially one as delicate as a wife swap.
Atiq tried to tuch my wife without asking her. Sanjana (my wife) is very open minded and fun loving. She actually let him tuch her. But his wife was very very uncomfortable about it. His wife is a beautiful lady but she is just not ready yet and he didn’t take time to make her understand. I tried to talk to her but as I approached she became sceard. CHOKH BORO BORO KORE AMAR DIKE TAKAY CHILO. Like I will do something very bad to her. I assured her that I would do nothing without her concent.
In the end, my wife and I made a hasty exit, eager to escape the uncomfortable atmosphere that had descended upon us. As we retreated to the safety of our own space, we couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and unease at how our weekend had unfolded.
The importance of communication and boundaries in any relationship needs to be understood. While the idea of exploring new dynamics can be exciting, it's crucial to ensure that all parties involved are comfortable and consenting.
I feel sorry for your bad experience
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Thanks 🙏
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
After a long time we tried a new couple and failed. BTW.. I just wrote another topic about our first Anal sex experience... Read it if you have time and let us know your thoughts...
Thanks for sharing, it was a learning experience.
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Yes it was... After a long time we tried a new couple and failed. BTW.. I just wrote another topic about our first Anal sex experts... Read it if you have time and let us know your thoughts...
Abrar And Farzana
Abrar And Farzana
Feeling sorry for you guys. Also good to know what to look for.
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Thanks very much. I think for any new couple first we need to have a friendly date. Like in a restaurant or cafe. Just to know everyone is in the same page.
Very bad and awkward experience. He should give priority of his wife's consent. Forceful thing is always bitter.
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury
Dip And Sanjana Chowdhury

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